Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why Do We Love Vintage?

Changing Trends
We love everything old and classic, of course, and we're going to guess you do, too. At one point, people wearing "outdated" clothing were a small, weird group, but in recent years, this has begun to change, and vintage style has become more acceptable in a wide, diverse set of social circles. It's becoming clear that every day a few more people join us in being excited about styles from older time periods. Why is this, though? Why do they -- and we -- love all things vintage as much as we do?

Timeless Style
Earlier this year, my grandfather wore a bow tie to my sister's high school graduation. He mentioned that he used to wear bow ties often, and has begun to do so again, because they've become more popular again. Fashion trends come and go, but that's not because anything ever actually stops being cool. People today are under a constant barrage of being told what is and isn't hot to wear by celebrities and advertising, and many of us have become disillusioned with these ideas. We know what we like, and as more of us decide to wear what we want, it's becoming easier to be ourselves, because now being an individual doesn't have to mean being alone!

An Impossible-to-Hate Alternative
Despite its growing popularity and acceptance, vintage is still an alternative lifestyle that doesn't exactly fit into the mainstream. Unlike many other subcultures, though, it doesn't give a lot of reasons not to be liked -- some people aren't interested in it, sure, but nobody has a real excuse to be openly offended by it. Even those belonging to the generation from which these clothes originally came don't generally seem to be bothered that younger people are borrowing their styles. Some, like my grandpa, are happy they get to wear what they want now without feeling like they're out of touch or behind the times. Plus, while it's easy to be upset with any style that demands you spend a lot of money so you can look cool, vintage is a total opposite to this kind of thinking.

Save & Recycle
No other fashion trend involves saving money as an inherent element as much as vintage does. Anything that isn't new and has been worn previously is automatically going to cost less. And if an accessory or an article of clothing still has life left in it, why choose something new instead? Our modern, first-world cultures are full of waste and excess; it feels great to keep reusing things that are still wearable instead of buying everything new and getting rid of it as soon as you're bored of it or it isn't perfect anymore. In fact, the imperfection of vintage items is one of their best qualities!

Be an Individual
Everyone agrees that the biggest goal for putting effort into personal style and fashion is self-expression. But the media and big corporations all seem to be convinced that the way to do this is to spend more money than your peers so you can be like "the cool people". We're sure that's not the answer! Instead, we just want to be ourselves, and we want you to be you! All that takes is making outfits from items that are old and uncommon, which doesn't have anything to do with the right connections or a big bank account. And, in the end, that's the big reason we all love vintage: it makes expressing individuality simple. Let us help you be you -- check out what we have for sale on, or browse through our Etsy store.

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